Services -
Blog Manaement
Blogs are the easiest way of generating revenue and brand promotion. It can be well executed over small businesses and large ones. Ever since SEO comes into existence, Trinitive provides Blog Management Services and Blog Optimization as well. We cover a wide range of execution as from creation of blogs to management as well as promoting it successfully.
In general, the word blog means a web log, a "daily" account of life as you know it, a personal or professional diary. Blog can be of any form from personal to professional. These are best suited for companies, news items or company press releases, or poems or small discussions etc. Blogs continue to be one of the fastest-growing forms of online communication today.
The main advantages of our blog management services are:
* Easy Promotion of your products and services
* Accurate and effective interaction with audience
* Maximize search engine visibility
* Increase the visitors response
* Improve performance of Blogs
* Improve approach to reach customer fast
* Getting customer feedback easily
* Providing effective replies and feedbacks on faster basis
* Quick future course of action
They will effectively manage your blog and our blog optimization services would help you to achieve the desired outcome. Our spectrum of blog management services includes:
STEP 1: Blog Creation
As the initial step, firstly we define the blog visually. We select the appropriate theme and professional layout according to your business. Then our team of seo bloggers creates appropriate title and description that is based on targeted keywords within the blog. Then we create a relevant copy of blog content which is also search engine friendly as well as well optimized. They embed main website links within the blogs to enhance in-bound links and page rankings altogether. Our effective blog creation services enable you to have a well-managed and high-traffic blog that engages your audience.
STEP 2: Blog Integration
With our Blog Integration services, the blog is being integrated with most popular blogging platforms like Wordpress and Blogger. Here we offer you templates and plug-ins of your choice to publish and promote your product and services. With these blog integration services you can easily choose how effective you want to make your blog.
Step 3: Blog Marketing and Promotion:
The blog is then promoted and well marketed via user's comments, comments approval and guest post requests. The blogs will also promote internal pages of your website via anchored links
Step 4: Blog Submissions
The blog is then submitted to various blog directories and search engines to increase visibility and accessibility of the blog by the users. The blog is also well submitted to RSS feed directories, blog search engines and third-party blogs.
Along with blog submission our blog management services also perform social bookmarking of all the blogs, putting relevant text links in all blogs etc. The blog optimization and promotion helps to achieve wider audience, one way inbound links, fresh content & more.
As a brief, our blog management services include:
* Regular blog postings and updations
* Regular archives of blog posts
* Blog graphics modifications
* Theme updation
* Blog optimization
* Comments Moderation
* Blog Distribution
* Blog's feed management
* Blog roll management
To find out more about how we can help businesses with their graphic design, logos, website design and company branding, please contact us today;