Our Working Google Analysis
How to create a custom report in Google Analytics ?
  • Custom reports are perhaps the most useful feature in Google Analytics, as they enable you to find the data and presentation that best suits your business goals.
  • I'm no big Google Analytics expert, instead I've picked it up and figured things out as I've gone along, mainly with the aim of understanding our users' behaviour and improving this blog.
  • I explain more of my approach to measuring and optimising this blog here, but I wanted to provide a beginner's guide to creating custom reports.
  • I'm no big Google Analytics expert, instead I've picked it up and figured things out as I've gone along, mainly with the aim of understanding our users' behaviour and improving this blog.
  • I explain more of my approach to measuring and optimising this blog here, but I wanted to provide a beginner's guide to creating custom reports.
  • If you are looking for the best logo designers in Chennai, look no further, your search ends here!
    Technique – Optimize your title tags
  • Every page on your website should have its own unique title tag. However, not all title tags are created equally!

  • Ad group max CPC bid $1
  • California targeting +20% bid adjustment
  • A bid for a search that occurs in California on a Saturday will be U.S. $0.60.

  • California adjustment: $1 x (+20%) = $1.20
  • Saturday adjustment: $1.20 x (-50%) = $0.60
  • Resulting bid for searches in California on Saturday:$0.60
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